In a digital age

Cyber Insurance

Protects Your Business from the Full Spectrum of Cyber Threats.

Safeguard your Digital Assets

Shield Your Business from Cyber Threats with Our Comprehensive Cyber Insurance.

In today’s digital age, businesses face a multitude of cyber threats that can disrupt operations, compromise sensitive data, and damage reputation. Cyber insurance is your first line of defense, providing a safety net that helps your business recover quickly from cyber incidents.

Cyber insurance is a type of insurance policy designed to help businesses mitigate the risks associated with cyber attacks and data breaches. It covers financial losses, legal liabilities, and provides support services in the event of a cyber incident.

Why is Cyber Insurance Important?

Every business, regardless of size or industry, is at risk of cyber attacks. Data breaches, ransomware, phishing attacks, and other cyber threats can result in significant financial losses, legal liabilities, and operational downtime. Our cyber insurance policies are designed to mitigate these risks and ensure that your business is protected against the evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Cyber insurance policies typically cover a wide range of incidents, including data breaches, ransomware, phishing attacks, network security failures, and business email compromise.

Our Cyber Insurance Policies

Comprehensive Cover

  • Data Breach Response: Covers costs associated with data breach notification, credit monitoring, and identity theft protection for affected individuals.
  • Ransomware and Extortion: Provides coverage for ransom payments and costs to restore data and systems.
  • Legal and Regulatory: Covers legal expenses and fines related to regulatory compliance and lawsuits.
  • Business Interruption: Compensates for lost income and additional expenses incurred during a cyber incident.

Expert Support

  • Incident Response Team: Access to a dedicated team of cyber security experts who can help contain and mitigate the impact of a cyber attack.
  • Legal Consultation: Legal advice to navigate the complexities of cyber incidents and regulatory requirements.
  • Public Relations Support: Assistance in managing your company’s reputation and communication strategy post-incident.

Risk Management

  • Cyber Security Assessments: Regular assessments to identify vulnerabilities and implement best practices.
  • Employee Training: Cyber security training programs to educate your staff on recognising and preventing cyber threats.
  • Advanced Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of your network to detect and respond to potential threats in real time.

Defend your data and secure your success by choosing our cyber insurance, which offers robust protection against breaches, ransomware, and more.

Proud to Work With

RubixVT IT

As an experienced IT support company and a designated Microsoft Solutions Partner, Extech can help transform businesses with pro-active IT support, cloud solutions, rock solid cyber security, VOIP and more.

What can Extech offer businesses?

  • Extech Cloud offers an end-to-end service for systems migration to Microsoft Cloud systems, such as OneDrive, SharePoint, and AI.
  • Extech can manage and troubleshoot cloud integration of IT, networking, and communication systems to increase performance and productivity.
  • As experts in Microsoft Solutions, they provide all Microsoft 365 cloud and administration services for uninterrupted connectivity.
  • Their goal is to make IT systems flexible, collaborative, and efficient to give businesses a competitive edge at an affordable price, saving you time and money.
  • They take care of cybersecurity to protect businesses from security breaches and ensure a rock-solid IT infrastructure.

Why should businesses use Extech IT services?

  • Extech Cloud is an official Microsoft Solutions partner, Azure specialist, and award-winning IT consultancy.
  • Their team can provide solutions to help small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) save money on administrative costs and expensive server hardware.
  • Extech offer continuous on-site and remote support throughout the cloud migration period and after implementation.
  • Technical and business support is an essential service for SMEs with limited knowledge of network infrastructure.
  • With data breaches on the increase, their cybersecurity services ensure business resilience, data protection and industry compliance.
  • Experts are on hand 24/7 for support and help with troubleshooting and network maintenance issues.

Policies Personalised to Your Business

We understand that each business has unique needs and vulnerabilities. Our cyber insurance policies are customisable to fit the specific requirements of your business, ensuring you get the protection you need without paying for unnecessary coverage.

Ready to Protect your Business?

You're just a few steps away.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Cyber Insurance cost?

The cost of cyber insurance varies based on factors such as:

  • The size and industry of your business.
  • The level of coverage you choose.
  • Your business’s cybersecurity measures.
  • Your claims history. 
How can I keep my insurance premiums low?
  • Implementing robust cybersecurity measures (e.g., firewalls, encryption, regular software updates).
  • Conducting regular employee training on cyber security best practices.
  • Developing and maintaining an incident response plan.
  • Performing regular security assessments and vulnerability scans.
  • Demonstrating a proactive approach to cyber risk management.
Can Cyber Insurance help with regulatory compliance?

Yes, many cyber insurance policies include coverage for legal and regulatory expenses, helping businesses comply with data protection laws such as GDPR. Additionally, we can provide resources and support to help businesses understand and meet their regulatory obligations.

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